• Breaking News

    Thursday, April 30, 2020

    Starcraft What are these things and why can they be attacked?

    Starcraft What are these things and why can they be attacked?

    What are these things and why can they be attacked?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 02:06 PM PDT

    How did my Battlecrusiers die so quickly? Im a bit new to this game fyi

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 12:44 AM PDT

    What if all Zerg structures could uproot and walk around like spines/spores..?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 10:41 PM PDT

    What if spawning pools were like clawfoot bathtubs?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 08:25 AM PDT

    Artosis reads a username

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 08:25 PM PDT

    Congratulations to the winners of Red Bull Xel'Naga Finest #4!

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 02:37 PM PDT

    Clem beats MaNa 3-0 in the finals of the Xel'Naga Finests 4th edition! Congratulations to Clem!

    Reynor then beats Clem 2-0 in the closing showmatch! Congratulations to Reynor!

    Tune in next week, on the 5th of May, for the 5th edition!


    Remember, the tournament is open for all players diamond and up. If you'd like to try to make a run check the official site for more info on how to register etc.


    submitted by /u/TheGoatPuncher
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    New esport section on twitch. Little and nice wink for Starcraft community in the tweet !

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 02:41 PM PDT

    Want more Clem?? And ShoWTimE?? TvP Bo9 Showmatch this Friday 1st May at 3pm CEST (10pm CEST)! More info in comments

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 01:28 AM PDT

    Giving out free coaching in exchange of follow / ~1h30m of watching, with channel points. You're welcome to come and send in your replay too !

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 12:11 AM PDT

    Happy Birthday Armani

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 01:01 PM PDT

    Congratulations to the last player qualifying to the GSL Ro16!

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 04:37 AM PDT

    After starting the day with an 0-2 loss, Taeja gets the 2-1 rematch curse against Hurricane.

    Yknow, summer is starting though....

    submitted by /u/demosthenesunlocked
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    NASL Season 3 Grand Finals - Stephano vs Alicia - Celebration

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 01:29 AM PDT

    Zest is best

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:20 AM PDT

    PvZ Balance and the Test Patch

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 08:49 AM PDT

    I was planning to write up something like this sooner or later but with the recently released Balance Patch Notes now seems like as good a time as any. I'll start off with a bit of a trip down memory lane to shed some light on how we got to where we currently are then give my thoughts on how the current issues can be addressed before finally comparing that to the recent Bluepost and making a proposal of my own.

    We'll start off about 2 years back, which judging by chatter on this sub is approximately the last time PvZ wasn't some degree of Zerg favored.

    Section 1: Memory Lane

    Patch 4.1.4 (Jan 2018): Stalker damage was reverted from a previous change that made Stalkers too strong. No problems here.

    Patch 4.2.1 (Mar 2018): Dropperlord tech moved from Evo Chamber to Lair. This was a well received change that addressed the prevalence of Zergling elevator play early in the game. No problems here.

    Patch 4.7.1 (Nov 2018): This patch had a ton of changes to the balance of PvZ. Queen Transfuse got a nerf, making it less powerful when repeatedly cast on the same unit. Nexus Recall got a change that would later be acknowledged as a buff. The most important two changes however were Carriers lost Graviton Catipult, gained a small amount of health, build interceptors much slower, but themselves build faster and Nydus worms got cheaper. While the balance implications of the Nydus changes would take some time to become apparent, the nerfs to the Carrier, although somewhat mitigated by a sidegrade to the Tempest, tipped the balance of PvZ late game distinctly towards Zerg.

    Patch 4.8.2 (Jan 2019): On the heels of Protoss dominance in PvT, especially in the midgame, Protoss upgrade times got nerfed across the board. More importantly, Nydus load/unload times were halved in this patch. This began a wave of new Nydus strategies several of which could easily be considered abuse, notable among them Swarmhost/Nydus pressure styles.

    Patch 4.10.1 (Aug 2019): After a wave of Protoss success with a wide array of Immortal-based PvZ allins and timings, which spawned some quality memes about the strength of two Immortals and a Warp Prism, Warp Prism cost was nerfed by 50 minerals and its pickup range was decreased from 6 to 5. In the same vein, the cost of Overlord Speed was cut in half to allow for better Zerg scouting. These changes were made slightly less relevant as Zergs figured the pushes out and they quickly fell back out of the meta. Meanwhile, Broodlord/Infestor was on the rise at this point, which spurred the Infested Terran damage nerf that this patch also brought. However, even in combination with a small buff to Interceptor build time, Protoss still couldn't meaningfully compete with Zerg in the late game and often resorted to strong timings and allins in the mid game to take wins.

    Patch 4.11.0 (Nov 2019): After much community outcry and months of Zerg dominance, Broodlord leash range got a nerf and Infested Terrans were straight up removed from the game. While the latter effectively killed the Broodlord/Infestor composition in PvZ, Skytoss remained weak enough at the highest levels that PvZ was still rarely taken to the late game. Nydus load/unload speed buffs were reverted as well, which put a damper on many of the more aggressive Nydus allin strategies. The final big change here was the nominal PvT change in the form of a Charge sidegrade, trading out Charge damage for a pair of fresh Nikes. There has been plenty of debate about the efficacy of the change in leveling the playing field in PvT (it seems to have worked), but we'll discuss the impacts on PvZ in the next section.

    Section 2: Where are we now?

    So now, after 2 years of balance patches we find ourselves in a position of widely-recognized imbalance in PvZ. Late game continues to be some degree of Zerg favored without the Carrier or a replacement as a strong backbone for the Skytoss composition. The nerf to Zealot Charge damage has left Protoss struggling to combat Roach/Ravager compositions in the midgame and the efficiency of mass Baneling makes Protoss deathball pushes ill advised at best.

    We see pro players adapting to this, most notably Zest and his Adept printer, but also other players with a gamut of Adept, DT, and even Stalker timing attacks, supported by a Warp Prism. It's worth noting that while these strategies are keeping Protoss technically afloat in the pro scene, we continue to see results like the recent 33% PvZ winrate at SAHSC and players like Trap and Zest struggling to win ESL cups that feature none of the top Zerg players of any region.

    Section 3: My thoughts on the matter

    As I write this, PvT and TvZ appear to be balanced, although the metas continue to develop. This means any balance changes I would propose would be to units and in ways that won't impact the non-PvZ matchups too much. To this end, I think the recently released balance notes are really missing the mark as they present bigger buffs to Terran in TvZ than to Protoss in PvZ. (Note: I like the Queen range nerf, it's a patch overdue, and the Feedback range buff is neat.)

    The health nerf to Banelings I think will be especially brutal, since it doesn't change how Protoss units kill Banelings (still 4 storm ticks, still 1 Archon shot) but decreases the number of Marine/Marauder shots needed to kill a speed Baneling by 1. As well, graded splash damage like Siege Tanks will be more effective at softening speed Banelings, which is less relevant to Protoss, with its more uniform splash damage.

    The change of armor tag on Creep Tumors to Light is interesting, since it does give Adepts more power to deny early Creep. However, once Zergling speed is done, the Adepts are still forced off the map, allowing Creep to spread. In contrast, Hellions will be able to deny early Creep and continue to clear it more efficiently than they already do. As a side note, after some preliminary testing, Oracles are still not good at Creep clearing on the test patch. Overall, this change helps Protoss, but it probably helps Terran more.

    The current test patch also fails to address the inability of Protoss to come out onto the map in the midgame against Roach/Ravager compositions and the overall weakness of the Skytoss composition. To address these issues, there are a few changes that I would like to see:

    Give Ravagers the Armored tag. Right now, Ravagers don't have an armor type tag. The way Protoss is designed, nearly all Protoss dps is specific to armor type. This makes Ravagers unusually tanky against Protoss. Despite having 25 less health than Roaches with the same base armor, Ravagers require 5 Immortal shots to kill as opposed to the 3 for a Roach. The Armored tag evens those kill points. I think this would give Protoss more play on the map in the midgame, which is one of the biggest issues in the matchup currently. It's possible that the extra Immortal dps against Ravagers still wouldn't make up for the lost Charge damage. In that case, the cooldown of Corrosive Bile could be increased, but changing both at once seems too aggressive.

    Increase Baneling supply cost by 0.5. Full disclosure, this wasn't my idea. I mercilessly scalped it off of some much cleverer Redditor some time back. Nonetheless, this is one of the most elegant balance ideas I've seen. In the early-mid game, this nerf only makes a small difference. Unlike the current Baneling nerf, this allows the Baneling to retain its power as a defensive tool against early bio pushes in ZvT. It does, however, make it much more difficult to mass up enough Banelings to roll into and one shot an entire Protoss ground army in the late game.

    Decrease Swarm Host Locust duration and increase Spawn Locust cooldown. In spite of the best efforts of seemingly every top Zerg player to demonstrate just how broken and abusive Swarm Host/Nydus was at the end of 2019, the strategy remained pretty much untouched coming into the latest season. Game 2 of Dark vs Trap at Super Tournament showed that the strategy is still at the very least, pretty dang strong. It's pretty clear that the putative counter to Swarm Hosts, killing them on cooldown, simply doesn't work often enough. Swarm Hosts are a key piece of the Zerg answer to Mech however, so simply handing down a big nerf to damage is wrong. Since Mech armies often kill Locusts before they expire anyway and are infrequently trying to counter-push Swarm Hosts, widening the opening for Protoss armies to get damage done against Swarm Hosts between waves seems at surface level to be a good PvZ specific nerf.

    TL;DR: It's been a rough 2 years of balance changes for Protoss in PvZ, the current balance test patch doesn't particularly address the core issues, and how have we not touched Swarm Host/Nydus strategies yet?

    submitted by /u/Bockelypse
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    GSL ro16 groups

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:04 AM PDT

    Group A Group B Group C
    Dark TY Trap
    TaeJa Solar Bunny
    Scarlett Stats PartinG
    Dear Cure soO

    Group D

    Group 1st seed bolded.

    Players switched around by Dark italicized.


    Group A to be played on 6th of May.

    submitted by /u/TheGoatPuncher
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    kiwian (TOP) nukes mackintac into the stone age! ANG!

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:16 PM PDT

    After two months I hit D Rank for the first time! BW is hard!

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 11:55 AM PDT

    Playing from South East Asia ? Bored during lockdown? Want to complete with a chance to get your game casted? Looking for a community? Join the Ao Dai #32, open to all SEA based players!

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 10:39 PM PDT

    Playing from South East Asia ? Bored during lockdown? Want to complete with a chance to get your game casted? Looking for a community? Join the Ao Dai #32, open to all SEA based players!



    Challonge is open now here : Link

    Matcherino Code is AD31 : Link

    Liquipedia Page : Link

    Stream and casting : Link

    OSC Twitter: Link

    Also, I will be casting replays from previous Ao Dai every Thursday, including today, at 7pm KST. So if you do play there a good chance to be casted!

    Do help Spread the word!

    submitted by /u/Redgunnerguy
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    Absolute noob

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 02:14 AM PDT

    Hello, I just recently started playing StarCraft and I have little background on how to play. Any tips for absolute beginners like me in terms of gameplay and settings?

    submitted by /u/AKBA16
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    Warchests and skins should be released more frequently

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 06:46 AM PDT

    I have been in love with warchests and skins since they were first released. I have bought all of them because I think the skins are well designed and the idea of supporting the game's esport scene this way feels great.

    It has been a couple of months since the last warchest was released, and I can easily say game needs another one already. Not only that, I think we should get Warchests more frequently, without changing the game into a skinfest of course. What are your thoughts about new skins and warchests?

    submitted by /u/Atreimedes
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    GSL Code S 2020 S1 | Ro24 | Group F | Rundown

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:41 AM PDT

    It feels strange to end the initial Round of Code S not on the letter "H", however that's the price of improvement.

    Group F:

    • Living Legend on possibly one of the last runs before he enters the military: Stats

    • Opportunistic Underdogs looking to score on the vulnerable opposition: SpeCial, Hurricane

    • Days of Future Past, the once upon a time legendary Champion and fan favorite: TaeJa

    You know trouble is brewing when the default favorite to win the Group has question marks around him, with Stats growing possibly more susceptible surely it only opened the door for both SpeCial and Hurricane to pounce on the opportunity but even if you were to look at things from the angle of the man fated to settle for 4th, there weren't many if any Groups easier than this to score the upset in, leaving room for TaeJa to come in with a lot of nostalgia and veteran resolve to potentially steal a spot away for himself.

    Warning: Spoilers Ahead, Obviously

    Although it certainly wasn't clean, Stats once again found himself more than capable of pulling through with just his B level play to secure 1st place, showing a lot of style & calm along the way.

    Do you believe it... despite getting utterly smashed at the start of the day, TaeJa not only rallied the Liquid Terran showed stellar defense and even managed a comeback in the fated M5 "rematch", basically taking a random nerd's calendar and ripping it in half to secure 2nd.

    M1 | Hurricane [ 2 : 0 ] TaeJa | ★☆☆☆☆ | No Chance In Hell

    • Nightshade | The calm macro game after some Phoenixes shut down the Terran's attempted Widow Mine play must have felt good for the Protoss, up until the point he had a critical lapse in attention, allowing TaeJa to pull off a drop that should have never worked and kill 9 Probes with it accordingly, however the counter pressure of basically just a few Zealots and a Warp Prism not only killed workers it also got rid of the 3rd CC, forcing the Liquid Terran's hand, which didn't end well when his forces crashed and burned into the defensively postured Hurricane, who was just sitting pretty on pretty much five bases.

    • Eternal Empire | When nothing was happening again during the early portions of the game, I started wondering if the nameplates were switched and this was just Stats. Regardless, the Protoss player once more got an earlier third base and even put down a fourth as he was doing a Warp Prism drop and attacking the third CC. After around 15 SCVs died, a lift was forced and the alien forces reunited to shave off some more enemy army supply, from there Hurricane was basically in an insurmountable position, held off a desperate counter attack or two and then literally chased his opponent off the map.

    M2 | Stats [ 2 : 1 ] SpeCial | ★★★☆☆ | So Close Yet So Far

    • Eternal Empire | The opening here was extremely interesting, even starting from a Reaper that was killing Probes like it was an Oracle to the infrastructure choices made by SpeCial who ended up going into a hybrid composition, ultimately doubling his opponent's army supply around 9 minutes into the game as a result. Stats, however, responded perfectly by moving out early to intercept the incoming push, denying what would have been a terrifying siege with 11 Tanks and over 60 Marines supporting them and finally cleaning everything up with a timely Zealot flank, allowing the Protoss AoE to do the rest.

    • Nightshade | Blocking the Nexus with an Engineering Bay made it so the Terran's CC was finished first for what was likely the first time in TvP since the start of the Season. What followed were some harass attempts by Stats featuring both Adepts and Blink Stalkers, however the lack of damage they ended up doing snowballed the game even further into SpeCial's hands, making the army supply difference truly ridiculous as the Terran crashed into the third Nexus to win the game, ignoring the Warp Prism inside his main that could never make up the difference at that point.

    • Simulacrum | SpeCial then put down a Factory inside the Protoss player's main, at which point we had to check if sOs had taken over the controls. Not only that, it worked, resulting in 8 Probe kills for just two Hellions and a Mine & the Terran even saved his Factory to add insult to injury. Stats somehow kept his cool throughout it all though, just delayed his upgrades and kept going as if nothing had happened. From there the Protoss finally found the then proxy Factory trying to pump out Mines two at a time and for some ungodly reason the two base Terran used his entire army to fail defending the reactor there, delaying his at that point all in push, since there was a Warp Prism doing its thing in his base and as SpeCial finally pulled the boys he took a truly awful & late engagement into the waiting arms of Stats, who held on and warped in reinforcements to clean up the Terran's last army as Zealots were still raging inside enemy territory uncontested.

    M3 | Stats [ 2 : 1 ] Hurricane | ★★☆☆☆ | Ultimately Outclassed

    • Ever Dream | Things quickly got complicated in no one's favorite mirror as Hurricane shut down a proxy Stargate only to fall behind in terms of his expansion but did try getting ahead in econ by the time it was third Nexus o'clock while kind of attacking with mostly Blink Stalkers. It was at that point Stats used two Adepts across the map to kill quite a few Probes while managing to lean on his Immortals back at home to hold on while his own Blink was coming along. After stabilizing the Protoss Champion tunneled his vision on the aforementioned enemy third Nexus and took care of business accordingly with both the supply and tech leads he'd secured himself.

    • Eternal Empire | It was time for some aggression from the stereotypical defensive Protoss, with an ironically conservative proxy Robo meant to punish an early expansion which did in fact happen however Hurricane sniffed out the attack just in time, put down a couple of Shield Batteries and bought himself enough room to come up with his own Immortals. From there it was incredibly one-sided with the underdog in full control, keeping his lead and dodging Disruptor shots later on like his life depended on it - because it kind of did - ultimately closing this out with a Phoenix switch that completely toppled over Stats' committed Robo heavy play, forcing him to leave.

    • Simulacrum | The opening on the final map was calm enough, up until Stats decided to build and smash a bunch of Adepts into his opponent's defenses, killing three Sentries and almost an Immortal, in addition to causing a panic that allowed him to be up 10 workers by the end of the assault. The counter punch from Hurricane came soon enough, however a stellar defense off the back of a few Shield Batteries and his own Immortals allowed Stats to stop wave after wave of aggression, opening room for the Protoss to send his own deadly duo across the map to further extend the econ lead and as soon as Hurricane finally lost his pair of cherry red Immortals & the styling going on inside his main became too much to handle, the underdog tapped out accordingly & reluctantly.

    M4 | SpeCial [ 0 : 2 ] TaeJa | ★☆☆☆☆ | Inexplicable

    • Ever Dream | Literally nothing happened for what felt like forever and then SpeCial tried ramming his forces into a defensively postured TaeJa near his third CC, resulting in getting dumpstered there as you would expect. The game didn't immediately end from there of course, however it did seem to give the Liquid Terran some courage and as he took the upgrade lead combined with a faster fourth base, after a couple of more great fights he basically just walked across the map and killed his incredibly behind opponent, demonstrating why mirror matches are unforgiving when it comes to basic mistakes.

    • Eternal Empire | Again, there was seemingly a peace treaty signed at the start and neither player touched each other as they set up three bases, however this time SpeCial did opt for a slightly different game as he went into Mech and Air. In response TaeJa took a faster fourth - as he should have, considering he stuck with Bio - yet SpeCial once again decided he must attack no matter what, attempting to siege between the third and fourth bases of his opponent while also double expanding back at home, which funnily enough got shut down by a single Marine from TaeJa, who maxed out first as he was taking his sweet time, flanked the impossibly out of position force in front of his base and utterly crushed it with a monstrous engagement that won him the series then and there.

    M5 | Hurricane [ 1 : 2 ] TaeJa | ★★★☆☆ | Rolling Back The Years

    • Purity And Industry | You would think getting to hide and use a Gold base successfully extremely early would be game over already, but you would be wrong. Although completely blind for the better part of the map, Hurricane went into his pre-planned Oracle pressure regardless and used his fleet to snipe a ridiculous number of units to keep up in the game he otherwise would have been behind in. I'm not sure when exactly it became clear to the Protoss something was wrong, however even when TaeJa was putting down a bizarre fourth CC somehow Hurricane was still ahead of him in macro and did finally find & crush the hidden base to further cement his position. The Liquid Terran tried responding by denying a Nexus and attacking into the third, however it was clear he expected a much more favorable army supply difference and a combination of disbelief & miss-control resulted in the Protoss army trampling over his forces, letting Hurricane walk across the map to kill him for the third consecutive time today.

    • Eternal Empire | As both players sat back on three bases, it felt like TaeJa was going quietly into the night, however at that point the Terran finally put his foot on the gas and got the supply lead for what felt like the first time in this matchup & managed to maneuver his army into sniping the fourth Nexus before the Colossi caught up with him, but by that point it was technically 4 vs 3 base in favor of TaeJa. Just as it looked like Hurricane was turning things around, a truly money drop from the Terran in the natural gave him a tremendous amount of room to work with and pump out some Liberators accordingly in addition to finishing up his 3/3 upgrades. TaeJa kept the pressure up, set up a brilliant defensive position his opponent couldn't break after numerous attempts and even after eating around 50 Storms straight he managed to push through and kill Nexus after Nexus until the army supply difference doubled and Hurricane got chased off the map for the first time tonight in this clash.

    • Nightshade | Going back to his roots, the Protoss decided it was DT o'clock but once again the defensive posture from the Liquid Terran paid off, with a timely Raven and banked up Scans denying any and all damage, giving him a significant lead from the get-go. Hurricane tried to transition hastily into Blink pressure as his third Nexus was coming up and Colossi count was growing, however the Terran smelt blood in the water and after some crucial Raven shots landed on the entire Protoss army, nothing could make TaeJa turn around as he charged at the sight of his opponent in trouble, fully ready and able to destroy him.

    The rumors of Stats' demise have seemingly been greatly exaggerated, although he did give some false hope to his opponents tonight, which could have turned into very real upsets if the ball had bounced differently. TaeJa, on the other hand, might have started terribly but did none the less level up throughout the day and has finally made it back to the Ro16 accordingly.

    • Match of the Night - aside from M1 and M4, we had a very solid day of series worth watching. I think nostalgia has to win out on this one, so I'll go with the comeback in M5, done off solid albeit way too predictable defense by the Liquid Terran.

    Finally, here are some of my closing thoughts on each player:

    • Stats is definitely a player you can be proud to support, let me know when someone else can have an off day like this and still come out on top looking cool as a cucumber. Maybe it's just me holding on to the past, however I truly believe this Protoss Champion has more to give us so I hope he shows that in the next Round, where the competition is definitely not going to let him get away with as much as he did today.

    • TaeJa went from being on the shortlist for Greatest of All Time to "Looks Like He's Getting There" in what would have been considered Code A promo matches once upon a time, how the mighty have truly returned. That said, after a genuinely godawful opening match, the Liquid Terran played himself into shape over the course of the day and as everyone around him crumbled the legendary Champion picked up the pieces to carve out a spot for himself in the Ro16. Now, I think we all know what happens next, but at least for this brief moment we can celebrate the once mighty Terran's unlikely victories today.

    • Hurricane looks more and more complete as the Seasons go by, in a rare act of empathy I'm actually going to say his performance today was pretty good, all his games looked winnable except the last maps of M3/M5, which has to suck for him considering those count the most accordingly. Some of that praise aside, this was in fact a really easy Group to get out of, so you can't really complain about getting unlucky - especially when you look like you got outclassed in the end - so here's hoping he takes it on the chin and comes back stronger next time.

    • SpeCial did not have a good day, starting from throwing away a series he "should've, could've, would've" won and ending in a TvT mirror by which point his decision making looked completely shot. I definitely favored the Terran heading into tonight, if anything I thought he would be eliminated due to getting outclassed by Stats and/or cheesed out by Hurricane, not fall under the weight of his own mistakes, but sometimes that's just how it goes. It's unquestionable SpeCial is so much better than what he showed tonight, so hopefully next Season he can have at least a less disappointing performance than this.

    As always, if you think differently let everyone know why in the comments below.

    Catch you next week for the Ro16 on May 6th, kicking off with Dark's Group A, featuring Bunny TaeJa, an opportunistic Scarlett and a very happy Dear.

    Thanks as always for reading & see you when I see you! (:



    Previous Ro24 Rundowns:

    Groups A | B | C | D | E

    submitted by /u/d1MnZz
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    Slayer's Boxer (The Emperor ��) is streaming StarCraft in the T1esports channel ��

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 05:26 AM PDT

    "Official" SC2 balance team twitter account had a good guess.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 10:30 AM PDT


    This was a good guess on zerg's nerfs... Or wasn't.

    submitted by /u/Milk_Effect
    [link] [comments]

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