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    Thursday, April 16, 2020

    Starcraft Another LEGO Thing I "Made"

    Starcraft Another LEGO Thing I "Made"

    Another LEGO Thing I "Made"

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 10:35 AM PDT

    Spring Cleaning found GOLD

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 07:31 PM PDT

    500 iq [NSFP]

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 10:16 AM PDT

    So long as it leads to glory

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 05:10 PM PDT

    Maynarde tries to put his hair up

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 06:26 PM PDT

    Congratulations to the second player out of GSL Group B!

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 05:13 AM PDT

    Congrats Scarlett! Some insane NoRegrets strategies to triumph over IEM Katovice champ Rogue!

    submitted by /u/Hartifuil
    [link] [comments]

    Method picks up Demuslim (not as SC2 player)

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 11:53 AM PDT

    GSL Code S 2020 S1 | Ro24 | Group B | Rundown

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 06:30 AM PDT

    Wednesdays are back on the menu, did I forget to mention how glad I am things are slowing going back to normal? And what better way to start off the week than a perfectly balanced Group.

    Group B:

    • Living Legends and clear favorites with 4 Code S Championships between them: Rogue, INnoVation

    • Dark Horse, the Zerg Queen lurking in the shadows: Scarlett

    • Enemy Unknown i.e. the former Code S finalist back from the dead: TOP/kiwian

    Saying that the expectation for this Group was utter domination by the Champions would be an understatement - Rogue, the defending Code S Champion and reigning IEM Katowice Champion, hasn't played a GSL Season in recent memory where he wasn't favored to make at minimum Playoffs; ditto for the man-turned-machine INnoVation, who on his worst day could still beat anyone in the world including the aforementioned Zerg monster. Still, underestimating Scarlett is a fool's game, though it has admittedly gotten easier to do over the years and speaking of someone potentially past their prime there isn't really much you could say in favor of a player returning after almost a decade of absence i.e. if you thought betting on TOP to get out of this Group was a smart idea let me know because I have a bridge to sell you.

    Warning: Spoilers Ahead, Obviously

    The fated clash in the winners' match was predictable, however the utterly one-sided destruction there certainly wasn't as INnoVation held absolutely nothing back tearing through the defending Code S Champion in what felt like record time to secure 1st in the Group.

    The day however was nowhere near done in terms of surprises and by far the biggest one was Scarlett coming out 2nd by using some dastardly tailor-made rushes to finish what the Terran had started, knocking out the Jin Air Juggernaut.

    M1 | Rogue [ 2 : 0 ] kiwian | ★☆☆☆☆ | Who?

    • Ever Dream | From proxying against the guy who's teammates with the man that invented placing buildings outside your base to a halfhearted slow Hellbat BC followup, the writing was on the wall for this series as Rogue effortlessly deflected all of kiwian's attempts to make a dent in this game, plus it certainly didn't help when the Jin Air Zerg built a flock of Mutas and killed a billion workers to make his lead insurmountable and the outcome of the map inevitable.

    • Nightshade | After the rushdown let him down, kiwi thought it was a good idea to slow down slightly so he went for a 2-1-1 instead and to be fair his setup was pretty awesome, it's just a shame Rogue was so ready it looked unreal when all the Terran forces were mercilessly wiped out of existence at which point the Zerg Champion just kept making units and sending them across the map until his opponent gave up on life, insane mechanical difference in this match.

    M2 | INnoVation [ 2 : 0 ] Scarlett | ★★☆☆☆ | Terminated

    • Nightshade | The game felt quiet enough with Banshee Hellion and Zerg creep spread doing their things, respectively, however when INnoVation's first push arrived and the Terran sensed weakness all hell broke loose not long after. The positioning, timing, relentless aggression and rallies kept Scarlett on the back foot for the rest of the game with her Ling Hydra never able to reach critical mass, eventually getting her back broken by the macro monster as INnoVation showcased some stellar mechanics to close the map out in classic fashion pretty much off Marine Tank alone.

    • Simulacrum | Surprisingly enough, after winning a pretty standard game the Terran decided it was proxy Barracks time which funnily enough did a good amount of damage, allowing him to transition. From there INnoVation borrowed the idea to go into Hellbats and BCs and although it was also held as comfortably as possible the transition into Mech was exceptionally clean. Making it look literally as mobile and deadly as Bio, the Terran used a seemingly endless supply of Cyclones and Hellions to roam the map and systematically shut down any attempt from the Zerg to grow on it so as soon as the Liberators showed up Scarlett pretty much immediately tapped out, absolutely unable to keep up with the incredible pace set by INnoVation.

    M3 | Rogue [ 0 : 2 ] INnoVation | ★★☆☆☆ | Send Maru My Regards

    • Zen | You would think blindly holding proxy Barracks virtually on top of your Hatch first would be enough to win the game, but you would be wrong. INnoVation's rush may have initially failed but he remembered that this strategy never loses, so he fought hard to keep that statement true by loading up and sneaking in a Medivac full of Hellions, which got a few too many worker kills along with a double Cloak Banshee followup that did pretty well too. As you would expect, the Terran's macro from there soared accordingly, culminating in his first real push hitting and killing the Zerg's 4th base, at which point INnoVation was up over 40 supply making the game effectively over.

    • Nightshade | You would think scouting the proxy Barracks just outside your expansion would give you enough time to hold perfectly, but you would be wrong. Betting on the strategy that never loses, INnoVation kept his cool doing his Marine Bunker thing regardless and due to Rogue's tilt or misscontrol or both the Terran did end up getting 7 workers too many. The best part about his BC Hellion rush after that wasn't that it got him another 9 worker kills, it was the fact Rogue blindly assumed his opponent would go Mech again, causing him to tech into Roaches and Spire, so when INnoVation's first Bio push came out to play it was truly a parade in every Terran's home, seeing as their Champion roflstomped the Zerg army accordingly for the win.

    M4 | Scarlett [ 2 : 0 ] kiwian | ★☆☆☆☆ | Stop, Stop, He's Already Dead

    • Eternal Empire | The players made a verbal agreement on the opening map not to rush each other and went onto their respective business. Although the macro looked close for a while and both of them did max out pretty much at the same time, it was the upgrade lead coupled with a deadly two pronged attack while the Terran was attempting to take his 5th base that allowed Scarlett to basically crush the entire map all at once, earning herself a massive 100+ supply difference which ended the game accordingly, considering she had successfully backdoored her opponent's production with the at times risky rush to Ultras transported there via an uncontested Nydus.

    • Ever Dream | The slight early Ling flood from the Zerg was handled fine enough, however the Roach Ravager followup not really getting scouted or even respected by kiwi was the proverbial nail in the coffin. The aggression from Scarlett resulted in 30+ worker kills and a cancelled third CC, meaning the game was literally over despite the Terran doing his best FanTaSy impression for a while after that.

    M5 | Rogue [ 0 : 2 ] Scarlett | ★★☆☆☆ | Fool Me Twice, Shame On Me

    • Simulacrum | Prepare to get your ladder games ruined, the 14/13/12 by Scarlett slash NoRegreT vs Hatch first was the dirtiest and best thing the two could have concocted to take down the Code S Champion with. Everything looked normal from Rogue's perspective, up until around 2:40 when he spotted the Ling flood, which he could do absolutely nothing to stop (really reminded me of an old NesTea build used to take down DRG a lifetime ago).

    • Ever Dream | Betting it all on Red, once again Scarlett put everything on the line immediately, this time with an even earlier Pool and a Drone pull. There was quite a lot of finesse in the execution itself, however as soon as we saw how perfectly the Zerg placed her Spines inside Rogue's main base it felt all but over, even if the Jin Air Champion fought valiantly until the end.

    Ignoring the winrate of 2rax in tournaments getting pushed even further over the top - I never see this strategy lose, it's absolutely insane - there were definitely a few too many rushes today for my taste.

    • Match of the Night - INnoVation's destruction overshadowed the rest of the day for me (regardless of the huge upset in the only mirror) and the better match in terms of how competitive it was definitely had to be the one the Terran played against Scarlett, the Mech play in particular was amazing to watch, macro & mechanical genius.

    Finally, here are some of my closing thoughts on each player:

    • INnoVation played completely out of his mind in this Group, is it Season 3 already? All jokes aside, monstrous performance from the Terran Legend here and terrifying prospect going into the next Round, the macro and build order selection from Inno was impeccable and his execution was nothing short of flawless.

    • Scarlett did what every underdog should i.e. find a way to win despite the overwhelming odds since contrary to popular belief it doesn't matter if you are "more skilled" or "play the game how it's supposed to be played", the only thing that counts at the end of the day is getting that W. Taking the deserved praise aside, I do expect it's going to be a rough next Round for her but honestly who knows - with the right Group and more importantly preparation like today, truly anything is possible.

    • Rogue got a huge compliment today from his competition - everyone seemingly agreed he was the best player here, so they did what they had to do and adjusted accordingly. If anything, it was almost a bit weird he was seemingly caught off-guard by people wanting nothing to do with him in a "real" game. Definitely a bitter disappointment we're not going to see another Jin Air Champion in the next rounds, however it certainly isn't the first time a Code S Champion has been knocked out in the Ro32 and I somehow doubt it will be the last.

    • kiwian never stood a chance in hindsight, although I do admit the premise of him coming back after such a long time was more than a little enticing. I don't really know where he's supposed to go from here, the level difference was so painfully obvious that you couldn't help feeling bad for the guy, hopefully he gets a slightly more favorable set of circumstances next Season to show us something better than he could today.

    As always, if you think differently let everyone know why in the comments below.

    Catch you on Saturday for Group C, where Zest will do his best to keep Protoss from getting buffed as he strolls through to 1st place, provided he avoids long time nemesis Impact and doesn't get upset by a revitalised Cure or even more redicilously a renewed DRG.

    Thanks as always for reading & see you when I see you! (:


    submitted by /u/d1MnZz
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    Congratulations to the first player from GSL Group B!

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 04:11 AM PDT

    Inno advances 4-0 over Rogue and Scarlett after deciding to just play like Maru. No seriously, he went proxy rax 3 games in a row.

    submitted by /u/demosthenesunlocked
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    99% Useless Facts with feardragon #27 - Banelings Lifted by Phoenix Count as Air Units for Memecrobial Shroud

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 10:38 AM PDT

    Trying to find funny SC video

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 07:43 PM PDT

    Does anyone have that video where it plays the cinematic of Tychus being put into the suit, then a marine spawns, is killed by a zergling, and the music starts again while the barracks goes back to creating another marine? The graphics look like its broodwar. I know its very specific, thanks

    edit: found it

    submitted by /u/Vivladi
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    Heroes of the Homestory cup

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 03:52 PM PDT

    Heroes of the Homestory cup

    Let's look at two heroes that got the most value of kills in the last Homestory cup.

    First we have an unexpected hero. This homely Spore Crawler never imaged to be the best performing Zerg unit in the tournament killing whopping 5 enemy Brood Lords (2750 resources). The game was Serral vs Soo on Purity and Essence.

    pew pew

    The Spore Crawler has lived happily ever after, and Serral took the game.

    Let move on to our Terran hero in the game of Serral vs Dream on Simulacrum LE. He killed 3 Overlords, 6 Roaches, 5 Corruptors, 3 Ravagers, 1 Creep Tumor, 11 Zerglings, 1 Locust, and 1 Nydus Worm. Total worth of 3175 resources.

    ![img](nspte4dl72t41 "Straight into the action ")

    Raiding Zerg with his older brother and Hellions

    The first kill, an Overlord

    The first big fight

    Heroic hold with the help of SCVs

    Skirmishing with Corruptors

    Keeping pesky Roaches away

    Another hold. The Zerg threat is getting stronger.

    Preventing the worst by clearing Nydus Worms.

    But eventually even this hero falls – just a fraction of second before firing his Yamato Cannon for the last time. Dream ggs quickly afterwards.

    submitted by /u/bigmaguro
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    The three races according my friend

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 02:08 AM PDT

    Zerg, human, and robot aliens.

    submitted by /u/kassilly
    [link] [comments]

    Late, but the quarantine finally let me get the rest of the achievements.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 12:34 PM PDT

    Neuro Sad Horn

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 12:38 AM PDT

    PSA: Starcraft tournaments on the 16th of April

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 01:47 PM PDT

    Another fine April day of staring at our walls, another day to distract ourselves from said walls with EPIC StarCraft II tournament extravaganzas! My fingers may hate me for this, but haters gonna hate:

    Global Clan Invitational

    From 13:30 GMT / 16:30 EEST / 22:30 KST / 21:30 CST / 02:00 PDT / 05:00 EDT

    An EU tournament funded by Global Clan, the Global Esports Team kicks off with group stage #1 and group A containing ELAZER, GUNGFUBANDA, SKILLOUS and VINDICTA.

    CreightonOlsen will maintain your hype levels throughout.


    MaraleCup Germany #1

    From 16:00 GMT / 19:00 EEST / 01:00 KST / 00:00 CST / 09:00 PDT / 12:00 EDT

    Tournament run by German streamer Maralekos, pitting some of the top non-Gabe German Starcraft talent against each other.

    Shyamalan twist: Maralekos casts his own tournament!


    WardiTV European League Point Builder #1

    From 16:00 GMT / 19:00 EEST / 01:00 KST / 00:00 CST / 09:00 PDT / 12:00 EDT

    The man, the legend and possibly the world's #1 Starcraft fan, Wardi, will cast his own tournament with a mix of up and comers and established pros from the EU scene, starting with group A of KELAZHUR, MAXPAX, REYNOR and GunGFuBanDa.

    Wardi, duh


    Russian Starcraft 2 League

    From 17:00 GMT / 20:00 EEST / 02:00 KST / 01:00 CST / 10:00 PDT / 13:00 EDT

    The Russian StarCraft 2 League (or RSL for short) is a StarCraft II team league held and organized by the Russian Federation Cyber Sport. 20 teams compete for the prizepool of RUB 30,000!

    The official site.


    Global Clan Invitational

    From 17:00 GMT / 20:00 EEST / 02:00 KST / 01:00 CST / 10:00 PDT / 13:00 EDT

    An EU tournament funded by Global Clan, the Global Esports Team kicks continues its first group stage #1 with group B containing FUTURE, GOBLIN, HARSTEM and UTHERMAL.

    GSL Bald Guy strikes again!


    Cock of the Walk #7

    From 17:00 GMT / 20:00 EEST / 02:00 KST / 01:00 CST / 10:00 PDT / 13:00 EDT

    Weekly open for all tournament organized and casted by Chickenman! The line-up is TBD but the last round included such names as KRYSTIANER, CHAM, SPAZ and BEE.

    Cluck Cluck


    BWCL Season 50

    From 19:00 GMT / 22:00 EEST / 04:00 KST / 03:00 CST / 12:00 PDT / 15:00 EDT

    The Brood War Clan League Season 50 is the anniversary season in the oldest and still active foreign clan league.

    No stream link :(


    Alpha Scrims 13

    From 19:00 GMT / 22:00 EEST / 04:00 KST / 03:00 CST / 12:00 PDT / 15:00 EDT

    AlphaX stream


    That's it more or less (shut up fingers!). Check the tl.net event calendar for any additional events.


    Enjoy the games and have a great Thursday!

    submitted by /u/TheGoatPuncher
    [link] [comments]

    Looking for a keyboard for smaller hands

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 07:16 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I'm longtime fan of Starcraft and of rts in general! I haven't done a whole lot of playing, but want that to change.

    I have smaller hands and can't always stretch to get to further keys very easily. Could anyone recommend a keyboard with

    1. relatively flat keys?
    2. small gaps in between the keys

    The reason I'm looking for these features is so if I drag my finger across the keyboard (to get to control groups for example) it will not get caught. I need to drag my fingers since I need to lift my hand often to get to keys, and dragging my fingers allows me to feel where my hand is on the keyboard (sort of like braille). I also tend to slide my fingers rather than pick them up.


    submitted by /u/eatingroadkill
    [link] [comments]

    Salt and anger the likes of which I've never seen

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 09:34 PM PDT

    This guy sends 2 drones at 0:00 to double gas steal me, he gets one and i hold position the other and thats when he starts. For some context, he was so aggro with the drones that it spooked me into thinking it was a proxy hatch so i dropped 3 extra rax and rallied marines across the map once I didnt see one with scouts.

    I wasn't particularly offended, I just thought this was some of the funniest crap I've had happen in a ladder game (D3 NA) and wanted to share.

    Edit: Imgur link should work now, and in chronological order


    submitted by /u/SuicidalPolarBear
    [link] [comments]

    ZombieGrub in-depth interview with Maynarde: "Caster Calls Episode 2: Maynarde"

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 08:05 AM PDT

    Pylon Show Ep.#89 is live with Maynarde, Temp0, Creighton & feardragon

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 05:58 PM PDT

    Constant Nydus threat to the main in lategame TvZ - what do you do?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 11:49 PM PDT

    I believe Artosis once said it's very difficult to be 100% sure about a strategy being imbalanced and that the only situations in which this can be done with complete certainty is the very early game and the super lategame.

    In the early game because you can actually go over every possible opening to check if a counter exists. In the lategame where everyone is maxed out on army/upgrades/eco you can just go over all the possible stuff in the game and check whether a counter exists.

    This might be contentious point but I believe last year's broodlord/infestor/corruptor/spores were an example of an overpowered lategame strat and am glad it was nerfed.

    Lets have a look at the Nydus in super lategame.

    Lets say we have a game that's already going on for 20+ minutes and both sides got basically everything and are maxed out on tech and upgrades and are even with regards to everything (whatever that means). As a Zerg you can additionally invest relatively little of your resources at this point to get 2-3 nydus networks up and start constantly throwing Nyduses in the main base of your opponent. Against P/T it's usually enough to get only 1 Nydus up to end the game as once you destroy their production buildings it's very hard for them to come back. Lets try to go over what the opponent can do to stop this

    1. Deny the vision - Zerg has many options to get vision of your main in lategame: Speed Overseers, changelings, burrow roaches/infestors, speedlings. Considering all of these together it's very hard to imagine a tactic that could reliably deny Zerg vision of your main base.

    2. Leave units/defenses in your main - as Protoss you can cover the main with cannons which could theoretically work to stop Nyduses from coming up, if the cannons are spaced out enough. As a terran however you have no such option and you must leave army supply behind to deal with the constant Nydus threat. Since Nyduses are not so easy to kill and in lategame Zerg can make 2-3 simultaneously without a lot of commitment you'd need to leave around ~10-15ish supply to reliably deny the Nyduses. This is extremely crippling considering it doesn't require any army supply commitment from the Zerg and effectively lowers the supply cap of the Terran to 185.

    3. Basetrade - can't really work because the Zerg army can instantly travel between your main and their side of the map once they have a single Nydus up.

    So, what do you think? How do you deal with the constant Nydus threat to the main in lategame TvZ?

    submitted by /u/HondaFG
    [link] [comments]

    Congratulations to the NA Apprentice Season 2 Champion!

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 01:12 PM PDT

    Silky beats Vindicta 4-2 in the NA Apprentice season 2 finals! Congratulations to Silky!

    Full brackets for the now concluded tournament on Liquipedia

    submitted by /u/TheGoatPuncher
    [link] [comments]

    PSA: Plenty Starcraft still left today!

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    As the title says, there's plenty Starcraft still left today for those with the stamina and interest. We've got:

    OSC King of the Hill still ongoing as of this post.

    The BW showmatch between Action, Larva, Bisu and Stork, still ongoing as of this post.

    The Zoun vs. Bunny Alpha Pro Series showmatch, still ongoing as of this post


    Starline Junior League

    From 13:30 GMT / 16:30 EEST / 22:30 KST / 21:30 CST / 02:00 PDT / 05:00 EDT

    Tournament for up and coming players ages 19 and under from the CIS region.

    Path of Star Rex vs. Taeja Showmatch

    From 14:00 GMT / 17:00 EEST / 23:00 KST / 22:00 CST / 03:00 PDT / 06:00 EDT


    Red Bull Xel'Naga Finest Weekly #2

    From 16:00 GMT / 19:00 EEST / 01:00 KST / 00:00 CST / 09:00 PDT / 12:00 EDT

    Weekly tournament where the winner plays vs. Reynor.


    The NA apprentice Season 2 Finals

    From 18:00 GMT / 21:00 EEST / 03:00 KST / 02:00 CST / 11:00 PDT / 14:00 EDT

    Silky vs. Future establishing which one is the most NA of the NA.


    That should be today, more or less. Check the tl.net event calendar for any additional events.

    Enjoy the games and have a great day today!

    submitted by /u/TheGoatPuncher
    [link] [comments]

    Anyone have the video of the TL FFA from the very beginning of SC2 wings of liberty, I think it was husky who casted.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 10:57 PM PDT

    I'm just looking for this old video of the TL FFA game that husky casted.

    submitted by /u/avowed
    [link] [comments]

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