• Breaking News

    Friday, April 3, 2020

    Starcraft [OC] Nova Bean

    Starcraft [OC] Nova Bean

    [OC] Nova Bean

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 11:30 PM PDT


    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 01:10 AM PDT

    99% Useless Facts with feardragon - The screams of our enemy echo across every race

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 09:58 AM PDT

    Kiwian celebrating his GSL Code S Qualification

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 05:30 PM PDT

    [Paper craft] Kaldalis statue

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 02:32 AM PDT

    Congratulations to the final set of players to qualify for GSL Code S!

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 06:54 AM PDT

    soO, Dream, Taeja, Impact, TRUE, TOP, Creator, Armani, Bomber, RagnaroK, Scarlett and DongRaeGu all advance!

    The biggest surprise from day 2 might be the return of 29 year old TOP, the Wings of Liberty GSL finalist, who has barely touched the game pro scene since those days.

    Also notable is the qualification of foreigner hope Scarlett.

    Patience, Zoun, Astrea, SortOf and Curious were among the players who failed to qualify today.

    submitted by /u/ShampooMacTavish
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    StayAtHomestory Cup KR qualifiers LIVE NOW

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 03:31 AM PDT

    TOP beats Windows Update to qualify for GSL after going MIA for 7 months

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 03:25 PM PDT

    How to make everyone happy? I created the ultimate map, perfectly ballanced for every race. And a short instruction how to play it. Enjoy!

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 09:55 AM PDT

    GSL Super Tournament 2020 First Person VODs - Timestamps and Links

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 03:30 PM PDT

    After seeing that there is minimal organization to the First Person VODs recorded from GSL Super Tournament this year, and the fact that AfreecaTV can be semi difficult to navigate, I took it upon myself to organize these as I am sure it will be useful to some.

    Here are the links and timestamps to each player sorted by race

    VOD Links

    1. http://vod.afreecatv.com/PLAYER/STATION/54628908
    2. http://vod.afreecatv.com/PLAYER/STATION/54510612
    3. http://vod.afreecatv.com/PLAYER/STATION/54354868
    4. http://vod.afreecatv.com/PLAYER/STATION/54237168
    5. http://vod.afreecatv.com/PLAYER/STATION/54628911
    6. http://vod.afreecatv.com/PLAYER/STATION/54510615
    7. http://vod.afreecatv.com/PLAYER/STATION/54354867
    8. http://vod.afreecatv.com/PLAYER/STATION/54237169


    Dark - vs Maru - http://vod.afreecatv.com/PLAYER/STATION/54628911 02:19:16

    Dark - vs SoS - http://vod.afreecatv.com/PLAYER/STATION/54510612 01:02:36

    Dark - vs Patience - http://vod.afreecatv.com/PLAYER/STATION/54237168 02:08:04

    Dark - vs Trap - http://vod.afreecatv.com/PLAYER/STATION/54628911 00:19:17

    Solar - vs Armani - http://vod.afreecatv.com/PLAYER/STATION/54237168 02:58:06

    Solar - vs Maru - http://vod.afreecatv.com/PLAYER/STATION/54628911 01:03:36

    Solar - vs Cure - http://vod.afreecatv.com/PLAYER/STATION/54510615 03:12:15 (game 1 only)

    Rogue - vs sOs - http://vod.afreecatv.com/PLAYER/STATION/54237168 02:41:55

    soO - vs Innovation - http://vod.afreecatv.com/PLAYER/STATION/54354867 00:57:30

    Armani - vs Solar - http://vod.afreecatv.com/PLAYER/STATION/54354867 02:58:10


    Trap - vs Dark - http://vod.afreecatv.com/PLAYER/STATION/54628908 00:19:20

    Trap - vs Parting - http://vod.afreecatv.com/PLAYER/STATION/54237168 - 00:55:58

    Trap - vs Zest - http://vod.afreecatv.com/PLAYER/STATION/54510615 00:20:22

    Zest - vs Trap - http://vod.afreecatv.com/PLAYER/STATION/54510612 00:20:17

    Zest - vs TY - http://vod.afreecatv.com/PLAYER/STATION/54237168 00:17:41 (no sound)

    Dear - vs Cure - http://vod.afreecatv.com/PLAYER/STATION/54354868 02:06:25

    sOs - vs Dark - http://vod.afreecatv.com/PLAYER/STATION/54510615 01:02:40

    sOs - vs Rogue - http://vod.afreecatv.com/PLAYER/STATION/54237169 02:41:45 (music bonus)

    Stats - vs Maru - http://vod.afreecatv.com/PLAYER/STATION/54354867 00:20:56 (no sound)

    Parting - vs Trap - http://vod.afreecatv.com/PLAYER/STATION/54237169 00:55:46

    Patience - vs Dark - http://vod.afreecatv.com/PLAYER/STATION/54237169 02:07:53


    Maru - vs Solar - http://vod.afreecatv.com/PLAYER/STATION/54628908 01:03:30

    Maru - vs Dark - http://vod.afreecatv.com/PLAYER/STATION/54628908 02:19:18

    Maru - vs Innovation - http://vod.afreecatv.com/PLAYER/STATION/54510612 01:58:30

    Maru - vs Stats - http://vod.afreecatv.com/PLAYER/STATION/54354868 00:20:45

    Cure - vs Solar - http://vod.afreecatv.com/PLAYER/STATION/54510612 03:04:33

    Cure - vs Dear - http://vod.afreecatv.com/PLAYER/STATION/54354867 02:06:30

    Innovation - vs soO - http://vod.afreecatv.com/PLAYER/STATION/54354868 00:57:25

    Innovation - vs Maru - http://vod.afreecatv.com/PLAYER/STATION/54510615 01:58:30

    TY - vs Zest - http://vod.afreecatv.com/PLAYER/STATION/54237169 00:17:30

    submitted by /u/erhiot
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    Are you Fking kiddin' me?!?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    GSL 2020 Qualifier Results

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 07:09 AM PDT

    I always found SC2 nicer compared to the average Multiplayer Gamer.

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 11:27 AM PDT

    Kerrigan's treachery is discovered before she can infest Raszagal, forcing Zeratul to kill her. If Raszagal had survived until the events of Wings of Liberty, what would have changed?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 10:14 PM PDT

    Let's give Banshees this ability back. What do ya say?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 12:02 PM PDT

    What is this number?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 03:54 PM PDT

    Player attitude

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 10:35 PM PDT

    Has anyone played games where the opponent pauses without a word and keeps it pause for 30 mins,

    I've had it happen twice when I had the opponent beat and just before either calling gg or dying it gets paused.

    I get the feeling they are trying to pause in hopes they would get fed up and then have the person leave nd taking the loss.

    Edit just adding at about the 15 min mark I gave warning and then ended up resuming and killing them (probs bad to resume but without warning and no response after 15 mins it may be ok not sure

    submitted by /u/valandir1400
    [link] [comments]

    Congratulation to the first players to qualify for StayAtHomestory Cup!

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 01:47 PM PDT

    At the end of a gruelling day of bo3's on the NA servers, TLO, Kelazhur, Namshar and Bly are the first 4 to qualify to StayAtHomestory Cup!

    Congratulations to each of them!

    Tune in tomorrow for the Korean server qualifiers. Additional info on tl.net.

    submitted by /u/TheGoatPuncher
    [link] [comments]

    My great ladder experience, even if im taking breaks after lose streaks :( :(

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 07:09 AM PDT

    Maru is that you??

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 04:12 AM PDT

    [Twitch] TvT Cyclone Battlecruiser vs Marine Tank battle clip

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 07:02 PM PDT

    New Video Series: How to play Starcraft Unit Guide

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 11:26 PM PDT

    A friend of mine recently asked me to teach him Starcraft, and was happy to oblige! An issue though is learning and become familiar with the different units. Its one thing to explain build orders, but another to explain what, say a Zealot is. Hence, I am creating this video series for each unit and building in the base game.

    Do let me know if there is any feedback and if you think it is useful.

    submitted by /u/Redgunnerguy
    [link] [comments]

    Macro a little bit more - Vibe

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 08:17 PM PDT

    TSG Jacket

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 04:36 PM PDT

    TSG Jacket

    Figured I'd ask this sub, I tried looking on my own with no luck. I love watching starcraft, and I noticed TSG players wearing this jacket.

    Does anyone know if this jacket is sold to the public? It's so dope.

    If so please link me. Lol.


    submitted by /u/patheticjon
    [link] [comments]

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